Skate Park—Poughkeepsie, NY

At first, there was nothing
here. At least, that’s what we say
about a place before the building begins.
A wild expanse of riverbank, dense
with deciduous trees and waterfowl––
it had potential. A curving quarter pipe
and the slope of steel coping blend into 
Shawangunk peaks just beyond
the churning waters of the Hudson.

Atop the small summit, as if climbing
were the hardest part (the scrambling, the hoisting, 
the adhesion), I peer into the callous valley
before taking the plunge, full tilt.
Arms outstretched like gull wings catching
at the wind while feet dance upon the plank
of wood above spinning silicon circles
cruising below the frostline of
peeled stickers and faded graffiti.


Matthew Schultz teaches Irish Studies and creative writing at Vassar College. He is the author of two novels, On Coventry (2015) and We, The Wanted (2021).

Matthew Schultzpoetry