Pitching & Politics

in baseball a pitch 
thrown too far inside
is an invitation
to a fight
thrown just right
it is a merely a reminder
to quit crowding the plate

inches matter
as does intent

it is the same in Truth

a lie thrown out to deceive the masses
is an invitation 
to a fight

thrown in ignorance
it is merely another reminder
to start paying attention


M.A.H. HINTON grew up in Montana and lives in Minnesota. His publications include poetry in Spitball, Minnesota Review, Into the Void, Temenos, GFT, West Texas Literary Review, Blue Heron Review, Aji, Emerald Coast Review. His chapbook Ordinary & Minor Mystics was a finalist for NDSU Press’s 2021 People of the Prairie and Plains Award. He has also published several Western short stories. You can find out more about him at his website, www.mahhinton.com.

M.A.H. Hintonpoetry